CCICADA Co-Sponsors Workshop on Supply Chain Resilience

In cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security Supply Chain Resilience Center, CCICADA and two partner DHS Centers of Excellence, the Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE) at Arizona State and the Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense Center (CBTS) at Texas A&M University, are hosting the SCRIPS Workshop in Washington D.C. on October 1-2, 2024.

The workshop SCRIPS (Supply Chain Resilience Issues, Problems and Solutions for the Homeland Security Enterprise) is one component of a series of workshops and research projects at CCICADA on supply chains.

DHS and Supply Chains

In November 2023, President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas unveiled the Supply Chain Resilience Center (SCRC), a new U.S. government entity designed to collaborate with the private sector to better secure our supply chains. The importance of supply chains was recognized much earlier by DHS.

Supply Chain Projects at CCICADA

At the 2019 “Summit” of the DHS university centers of excellence, the center directors asked what was the most pressing topic facing DHS. The answer was a bit surprising: “Supply Chain.” The importance of the supply chain was later clearly emphasized during the COVID pandemic. This led to a great emphasis on supply chain at CCICADA and many supply chain projects at the center.

  • A series of workshops on the supply chain during COVID, including workshops on seven topics:
    • Enhanced supply chain crime during the pandemic
    • Supply of labor during the pandemic
    • Food supply chain during the pandemic
    • Supply chain for medicines, vaccines, PPEs during the pandemic
    • Vaccine efficacy and safety
    • Vaccine distribution and prioritization
    • The Suez Canal incident: Impact and implications for the global supply chain
  • A research project on estimating the relative risk of different disruptions to the supply chain for information and communication technology
  • An MCAT project that deals with Modeling the Impact of Complex, Multi-Vector Disruptions to the Marine Transportation System and has involved the study of things like:

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