DHS University Centers of Excellence COVID-19 Supply Chain Initiative Announces Virtual Workshops
- Enhanced Supply Chain Crime During the Pandemic
August 21, 2020 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT - Supply of Labor During the Pandemic
August 21, 2020 3:40 pm – 5:10 pm EDT - Food Supply Chain During the Pandemic
August 27, 2020 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EDT - Supply Chain for Medicines, Vaccines, PPEs During the Pandemic
August 27, 2020 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm EDT - Workshop on Vaccine Efficacy & Safety
January 7, 2021 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm EST - Workshop on Vaccine Distribution & Prioritization
January 8, 2021 11:30 am – 2:25 pm EST - Workshop on The Suez Canal Incident: Impact and Implications for the Global Maritime Supply Chain
Monday, June 21, 2021, 12 noon, EDT
The Department of Homeland Security university centers of excellence (COEs) have established a COVID-19 Supply Chain Initiative under support of the DHS Office of University Programs and under the leadership of the CCICADA Center at Rutgers University.
This COE Initiative aims to: 1) identify tools and technologies that might be of help with the current pandemic; 2) identify key lessons learned from the current situation that will better prepare our supply chains for future disasters; (3) identify areas where new tools and technologies can help us be better prepared for future disasters; (4) inform the components of DHS and its partner organizations about efforts at university partners and in turn be informed by those components and partner organizations. It aims to take advantage of the varied skills and tools of the full network of COEs to develop collaborative efforts in the future. (5) identify important topics for collaborative and interdisciplinary projects across centers on these topics.
The first event of this initiative was a virtual meeting held May 12, 2020, that included participants from seven COEs. For a short report on that workshop, see https://ccicada.org/2020/05/26/ccicada-organizes-coe-covid-19-supply-chain-meeting-2/. A more detailed report on that workshop is available from CCICADA by sending an email to Nicole Clark-Johnson at nicolec@dimacs.rutgers.edu.
These workshops will each be 90 minutes in length, organized around two panels, each including members from government, the private sector, and academia. Participation will be by invitation, and we welcome requests to participate. Detailed reports will be prepared and made available to collaborating agencies, individuals, and COEs.
If you would like an invitation to participate or would like to nominate a colleague or student to participate, please send a request naming the workshop and giving a short description of the person’s (or your own) connection to/interest in the topic and contact information to Nicole Clark-Johnson at nicolec@dimacs.rutgers.edu.
We hope that these workshops will generate ideas for collaboration among the COEs, ideas for projects, and contacts with people at DHS and other government agencies and with the private sector. The DHS Office of University Programs is open to proposals for such projects.
We also aim for more focused virtual workshops later in the Fall.
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