Membership in CCICADA for Rutgers Faculty

Who Can Become a Member: Membership in CCICADA is open to full-time and part-time Rutgers faculty at all Rutgers campuses who are interested in CCICADA’s research and education activities and are interested in getting involved with those activities.

Nominations and Approval: Individuals become members through approval by the Internal Executive Committee. Any member may nominate someone for membership and individuals may also self-nominate with a statement of why they would like to become a CCICADA member and a CV.

Term: Membership is for a term of three years and may be renewed an unlimited number of times.

Removal: Individuals may be removed as members by the Internal Executive Committee.

The Privileges of and Advantages of Membership:  Members are welcome to become involved in CCICADA activities at any level they like. Specifically, members will have priority given to their suggestions for CCICADA activities. They have the right to play a leadership role on grant proposals through CCICADA and are encouraged to do so, so long as the proposal is consistent with center goals and capabilities and with Rutgers University principles as to what unit a proposal may be submitted through. Members may receive space for visitors at the DIMACS Center when it is available and be given access to DIMACS seminar and conference rooms, computing facilities, and support staff for their research and educational programs. Members may nominate others for membership and may serve on the Internal Executive Committee.

Responsibilities of Members: CCICADA asks that members be engaged in making suggestions about future programs and directions for the center, serve on appropriate center committees, and organize appropriate center activities.