Call for Participation
If you are interested in being involved with the Retreat program in one of the ways described, please follow the instructions and upload an abstract using the form below:
Your submission should indicate the following and be provided NO LATER THAN Monday, January 19, 2015.
Please submit your abstract by the above listed deadline. There is a limit to the number of talks/presentations that can be accommodated; those abstracts submitted after January 19, 2015 may not be selected regardless of their merits.
The 2015 Retreat Program Committee as listed above is planning the Retreat agenda. In addition to setting the program components, the Committee will review the submitted abstracts and will notify applicants of their decision by Friday, January 23, 2015. In addition, the Program Committee will be happy to consider suggestions that you may have.
Additional details about the program will be forthcoming. Please see the Retreat website for updated information. Registration information and process can also be found at Please register for the retreat on the Registration Page at your earliest convenience (NO LATER THAN Monday, January 26, 2015) at:
Research Retreat 2015 Registration
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