2017 Reconnect Workshop – June 11 – 17, 2017

The Reconnect 2013 workshop was held at Morgan State University on water infrastructure and risk analysis. The Reconnect 2013 workshop was held at Morgan State University on water infrastructure and risk analysis.

Mathematical and Computational tools for Energy Efficiency and Reliability of Data Centers and the Electrical Grid – Individual Interests vs. the Common Good

Where: Appalachian State University, Boone, NC

When: June 11 – 17, 2017

Presented under the auspices of DIMACS Special Focus on Energy and Algorithms  and by CCICADA.

About Reconnect Workshops

Reconnect Workshops expose faculty teaching undergraduates to current applications of mathematical and computational sciences and provide an opportunity for government or industry professionals to learn about recent research in related areas. Topics are presented in a weeklong series of lectures and activities; participants are involved in both research activities and in writing materials useful in the classroom or to share with their colleagues. Participants may develop materials for publication in the CCICADA Research Reports or the Educational Modules Series published by the DIMACS.

2017 Topic:

Mathematical and Computational tools for Energy Efficiency and Reliability of Data Centers and the Electrical Grid – Individual Interests vs. the Common Good

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2008) indicates that buildings account for as much as 40 percent of energy use in industrialized countries. Data centers (computing facilities with electronic equipment for data processing, storage, and communications networking) are especially inefficient users of energy. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by data centers worldwide exceeds the total emissions of Argentina and the Netherlands combined (Kaplan et al., 2008). In light of such issues, the information technology (IT) industry is looking to advanced power management hardware, smart cooling systems, virtualization tools, and dense server configurations to reduce energy consumption. Large scale sensor networks used in the design of these advanced systems are inherently graph theoretical.  Part of Reconnect will be devoted to understanding these sensor networks.

A second related area will examine the development of a truly “smart” electrical grid. The Smart Grid will include smart sensors and controls throughout the transmission and distribution system and a broad communication platform for two-way communications to move data and electricity between utilities and consumers. Smart Grid consumers will have smart meters that can track energy consumption, monitor individual power circuits in the home, control smart appliances, and actively manage energy use.  Game-theory models, multi-agent based models, decision-support and optimization tools, and security and privacy tools will be considered.

A third topic will explore policies for balancing individual interests with the common good to avoid an eventual “tragedy of the commons”. In this area, game theory can model the interactions of multiple agents and show the effects of competing interests. Economic incentives may influence whether a country or a company is motivated to enter an agreement and then abide by it.

Reconnect 2017 Flyer

Registration fees, lodging, meals and travel: Accepted participants from US academic institutions: registration, lodging in a single room, and meals will be provided at no charge. Participants from non-profit institutions, government, and non-US academic institutions: $350. Participants from for-profit corporations: $500. Registration fees include all meals from Sunday dinner through Saturday lunch. Limited funds are expected to be available to provide partial support for travel.

Apply to become a Participant

Hotel & Workshop Locations

Speakers & Organizers

Reconnect Program

Reimbursement Information (Only for participants who were approved for a travel award)


  • Dr. Daniel Bienstock –  Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; Applied Physics and Mathematics Professor, Columbia University
  • Dr. James Case – Consultant, Mathematician
  • Dr. Joe Cazier – Director of the Center for Analytics Research and Education, Appalachian State University
  • Ed Hassler – Assistant Professor of CIS, Appalachian State University
  • Jason Hoyle, MBA – Energy Center, Appalachian State University
  • Dr. Eric Marland – Mathematics Professor, Appalachian State University
  • Dr. Margaret (Midge) Cozzens – Research Professor at DIMACS, Rutgers University; Director of Reconnect


  • Dr. Midge Cozzens, Research Professor, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University
  • Mark Ginn, Professor of Mathematics at Appalachian State

Hotel Location

Courtyard by Marriott Boone

1050 Hwy 105
Boone, NC 28607
Toll Free:
Phone: 828-265-7676

Please contact Kelly Quesnelle (kellyq@dimacs.rutgers.edu) for reservation questions.

Workshop Location

Appalachian State University
Walker Hall
Room 103A
121 Bodenheimer Dr.
Boone, NC 28608

Apply to Become a Participant: Application deadline is March 29, 2017, or until all slots are filled. Applications must be submitted online and will be reviewed as they are received.

    Reconnect Workshop Application

    Who may apply?

    Anyone may apply. Preference will be given to faculty whose primary job is undergraduate teaching and those working at government labs. Two-year college faculty are welcome to apply. Teachers from groups not well represented in mathematics are especially encouraged to apply.

    Deadline for Applications: Deadline is March 29, 2017. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

    Applicants who are selected to attend are expected to stay for the entire 7-day program. They are also expected to complete their written classroom materials by the end of the year (Dec. 31, 2017) in which this workshop is held.

    Application Instructions

    To complete this application, you must:

    1) Complete all required fields, which are marked with an asterisk*
    2) Click on “Send” at the end

    Personal Information

    First Name*:

    Last Name*:




    Street Address*:

    Address 2:



    Postal Code*:

    Country (if not USA):

    Primary Phone*:

    Alternate Phone:

    Email address*:

    Re-enter Email Address*:

    Citizenship? US citizenDual citizenNon-US citizen
    If dual or non-US, of what country?

    Affirmative Action Information (optional)

    Gender: MaleFemale

    Race or Ethnic Background:


    Undergraduate Degree:*

    Year Received:*


    Graduate Degree(s) or Certification


    About Your Interest in This Program

    Why do you want to attend the Reconnect Program and how do you think you will benefit from it?*

    (For faculty applicants only)
    What courses have you taught in the last two years?*

    What courses do you expect to teach in the next academic year?*

    Please describe any experience or background that you have with Energy. For example, have you taken a formal or self-taught course in the area? If so, please describe it in a sentence or two. Have you written relevant papers or followed developments in the area?* (Previous experience is not a prerequisite, but knowing participants' backgrounds helps our planning.)

    What is your mathematics background, if any?*

    What is your science background, if any?*

    Have you had any experience with computer science?*

    When did you last do research and what was it about? (A sentence or two about the topic will suffice.) We recognize that many applicants may not have done any research since their graduate school days.*

    Do you expect you will have an opportunity to use ideas from this conference in one or more of the following follow up activities?* (check all that apply)

    If in a course, which one(s)?

    If you checked Other, explain:

    Applicants who are selected to attend this program are expected to attend for the entire program. If selected, will you be able to commit to participating for the entire program?


    Applicants who are selected are expected to complete their written classroom materials by the following January after leaving the program.
    Do you make this commitment?


    Travel Expense Award

    I would like to apply for help with transportation costs in the amount of $

    Please explain in a few sentences why you need the support, what other sources of support you might have, and how you would cover the transportation costs without this award.


    For more information, contact: Kelly Quesnelle (kellyq@dimacs.rutgers.edu) or Midge Cozzens (midge6930@comcast.net).

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