CCICADA Homeland Security News, April 2016

Post-Paris Security Protocols...Smart Phone ID 'Wallets'...Simulating Crowd Movements at PABT...Cicada Mysteries Revealed

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Editors’ Note:

Following the Paris terrorist attacks, some venue security managers turned to CCICADA for answers, and randomization is an important one. As explained in the article: “Unvarying protocols create vulnerabilities as an intelligent adversary can study them. Randomization counters that threat.”

Simulating Crowd Movements

In this video, CCICADA researchers at Rutgers University explain how they are using field observations, data analysis, computer modeling and LIDAR technology to simulate and predict crowd movements.

CCICADA’s expertise in this area has been applied to inspection and evacuation procedures at professional sports stadiums. The Center is now applying this expertise to help prepare for the reconstruction of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan.

 Cyber Identity

The New Jersey firefighter who goes to New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina…the police officer from Champaign, Illinois, who goes to Chicago to assist with crowd control at a political convention…the California EMT who goes to Haiti to help treat earthquake victims. These responders can present their badges and IDs to local authorities, but this is not enough to truly verify who they are, the agencies they represent or their credentials.

Solving this problem is at the heart of a new CCICADA secure ID-verification project, being conducted jointly with the Kantara Initiative, which would use smart phones equipped with special software to instantly communicate the credentials of emergency responders to field managers.

Exploring CCICADA ‘Inside Jersey’

In the April 2016 issue of Inside Jersey magazine, Star-Ledger reporter Ted Sherman explores how CCICADA, its research teams, and its partners are working together to keep Americans safe from natural and terrorist threats.

April_newsletter2Cicada Mysteries Revealed

Ever wonder why CCICADA is spelled the same way as the cicada insect, but with an extra “c” at the beginning? Or why the insect appears in CCICADA’s logo? This video uncovers the mathematical protocol behind the insects’ seemingly chaotic existence, making them a good mascot, if you will, for CCICADA’s work in data analytics and mathematical modeling.

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If you are with one of CCICADA’s 17 partner institutions, we encourage you to contribute a story about your work to a future issue. Please contact Managing Director Jim Wojtowicz if you wish to make a submission.



Margaret (Midge) Cozzens, CCICADA Education and Communications Director
James Wojtowicz, CCICADA Managing Director

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