Special Event: 2016 CCICADA Retreat at Rutgers University
2016 CCICADA RETREAT – April 28-30, 2016
What: 7th Annual CCICADA Retreat. Calling all members of the CCICADA research community!
When: Thursday, April 28, 2016 (starting at 2:00 pm) through Saturday, April 30, 2016 (ending at noon)
Where: Computing Research & Education Building (CoRE), Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey
Call for Participation (send us an abstract for presentations and/or posters to be considered for this event)
Register for the Retreat (Be sure to register by Friday, April 8, 2016. Space is limited.)
Accomodations, Travel & Parking (Please contact the PI/your faculty advisor at your institution for assistance with travel expenses.)
About the Retreat
Members of the CCICADA research community are cordially invited to the eighth annual CCICADA-wide Retreat on April 28-30, 2016, which will be held at and hosted by Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. We encourage all government employees, researchers, research specialists, post-doctoral associates, and affiliated students from across all partner institutions working on CCICADA projects to share their experiences and perspectives at this retreat.
The goal of the 2016 Retreat is to bring together the vast and diverse members of the CCICADA research community who are engaged in the center’s research, technology development, deployment and use of that technology, and education projects and activities. This year celebrates the culmination of the first seven years of CCICADA and its contributions to science, education, and enhancements to the protection of the American homeland. Part of this meeting will be retrospective, describing some of the highlights and major theoretical and applied achievements of CCICADA’s seven-year history. Part of the Retreat will be prospective, discussing current research efforts and looking forward to future opportunities in homeland security research. The retreat will also highlight past, present and future CCICADA educational initiatives and how those initiatives have furthered CCICADA’s mission. See Retreat Program below.
As always, the Retreat provides an opportunity for all CCICADA researchers to share their work through talks, presentations and posters. The schedule includes ample time to promote, networking interaction and discussion.
Panels & Speakers
The program will include these four panels:
- Panel 1: Government representatives, practitioners and other CCICADA technology users will describe their experiences and how CCICADA research and tool development have advanced their homeland security practices.
- Panel 2: Discussion of how CCICADA experience and expertise can further contribute to research areas that are emerging priorities at the US Department of Homeland Security.
- Panel 3: Discussion of CCICADA’s multiple education programs and how these continue to promote an important DHS, Office of University Programs’ goal of preparing homeland security researchers of the future and training the Homeland Security Enterprise community.
- Panel 4: CCICADA researchers will showcase the theoretical achievements underlying those research efforts.
Additional details about the Retreat Program are below. Please bookmark this page for updates.
Call for Participation
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**ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED** We strongly encourage anyone who has worked with CCICADA, including all CCICADA affiliated researchers, to submit abstracts for presentations and posters for consideration and inclusion. Please submit your abstract by NO LATER THAN Monday, March 28, 2016. Abstracts submitted after March 28th may not be selected, in spite of merit.
If you are interested in participating in the Retreat program in one of the ways described above, we ask you to please complete the form below and follow the instructions to upload your abstract.
Please contact the PI/your faculty advisor at your institution for assistance with travel expenses.
The 2016 Retreat Organizing Committee will review the submitted abstracts and will notify applicants of their decision by Monday, April 4, 2016. In addition, the Organizing Committee will be happy to consider suggestions for the Retreat that you may have.
Whether or not you submit a presentation or if your proposed talk is selected, we hope that you will attend this grand celebration. The Retreat is a stimulating, interesting and fun event, and you reconnect with colleagues from our many partner institutions. You will play an active role in what CCICADA and its priorities look like in the future. We look forward to seeing you.
Retreat Organizing Committee
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Midge Cozzens, CCICADA-Rutgers University
Eduard Hovy, CCICADA- Carnegie Mellon University
Paul Kantor, CCICADA-University of Wisconsin
William M. Pottenger, CCICADA- Rutgers University
Fred S. Roberts, CCICADA- Rutgers University
Dan Roth, CCICADA-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Al Wallace, CCICADA – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
James Wojtowicz, CCICADA- Rutgers University
Retreat Program **subject to revision **
Computing Research & Education Building (CoRE) – Busch Campus
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway NJ
Thursday, April 28, 2016 – DAY 1
(Locations: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium, **CoRE 1st Floor Atrium, ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium and ****CoRE 401 (as indicated))
1:30pm – 2:00pm Check-in and Event Registration **CoRE 1st Floor Atrium
2:00pm – 3:45pm Location: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium
2:00pm – 2:10pm WELCOME
Fred Roberts, Director of CCICADA
David Canty, Program Manager, Office of University Programs, DHS
2:10pm – 2:45pm FEATURED TALK: Evolution of Aviation Security
Kenneth Fletcher, Chief Risk Officer, Transportation Security Administration
INSPECTION, MOBILES, INTEGRATION OF METHODS (15 minutes each w/15 minutes total for Q&A)
Christie I. Nelson, Rutgers University
Field Research on Walk-Through Metal Detectors at Stadiums
Janne Lindqvist, Rutgers University
Smartphone Security: Why Doodling Trumps Text Passwords
Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts – Lowell
Integrating Statistics, Algorithms, Visualization and Interaction into a Unified Theory
3:45pm – 4:05pm BREAK ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
4:05pm – 5:40pm Location: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium
4:05pm – 4:40pm FEATURED TALK: EmPowering Homeland Security Data Analytics
Stephen Dennis, Innovation Director, Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
4:40pm – 5:40pm PANEL No. 1 – CCICADA and the HSE: applications, technologies, methodologies
DESCRIPTION: Government representatives, practitioners and other CCICADA technology users will describe their experiences and how CCICADA research and tool development have advanced their homeland security practices.
Moderator: Dennis Egan, Asst. Director, CCICADA
David H. Boyd, Operations Analysis Division, U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Area
Edward Bruce, Director, Intelligence Unit, NJ TRANSIT Police Department
Michael A. Osborne, Chief of the Violent Crimes Against Children Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Michael A. Tobia, Ed.D, Program Officer and Subject Matter Expert, DHS Science and Technology
5:40pm – 6:15pm RECEPTION ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
6:15pm – 7:15pm DINNER and Introductions of Participants ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium and ****CoRE 401
7:15pm – 8:15pm PANEL No. 2 – The FUTURE of Homeland Security Research – ****CoRE 401
DESCRIPTION: Discussion of how CCICADA experience and
expertise can further contribute to research areas that are emerging
priorities at the US Department of Homeland Security.
Moderator: Eduard Hovy, CCICADA Research Director-Carnegie Mellon University
Stephen Dennis, Innovation Director, Homeland Security
Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), Science and
Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mitchell D. Erickson, Science Advisor, Office of the Chief Scientist,
Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Kenneth Fletcher, Chief Risk Officer, Transportation Security Administration
Christopher Trucillo, Chief of Police, NJ TRANSIT Police Department (invited)
Alex Newman, Senior Planner, Preparedness Bureau, NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness
8:15pm End of DAY 1
Friday, April 29, 2016 – DAY 2
(Locations: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium, **CoRE 1st Floor Atrium, ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium, ****CoRE 401, and *****CoRE 431 (as indicated) Dinner and Evening Program at Embassy Suites Hotel)
Breakfast at Embassy Suites (applies to hotel guests only)
8:15am – 8:30am Remaining Registration-***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
8:30 am – 9:55 Location: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium or *****CoRE 431 (tbd)
8:30am – 8:40am OPENING REMARKS – Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA
8:40am – 9:15am INVITED TALK: Gathering and Applying Information from Social Media in Service of Homeland Security Applications
Eduard Hovy, CCICADA Research Director-Carnegie Mellon University
9:15am – 9:55am CONTRIBUTED TALKS: TECHNIQUES OF DATA ANALYTICS I (15 minutes each w/10 minutes total for Q&A)
Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University
Moving Target Defense for Distributed Systems
Jieli Shen, Rutgers University
Individualized Fusion (iFusion) Learning: A Confidence Distribution Approach
9:55am – 10:15am BREAK ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
10:15am – 12:15 Location: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium or *****CoRE 431 (tbd)
10:15am – 11:05am CONTRIBUTED TALKS: TECHNIQUES OF DATA ANALYTICS II (15 minutes each w/10 minutes total for Q&A)
Pratik Koirala, Howard University
Challenges of Identifying Integer Sequences (Browsing the OEIS)
Chengrui Li, Rutgers University
A Sequential Split-Conquer-Combine Approach for Analysis of Big Spatial Data
11:05am – 11:40 am INVITED TALK: Making Sense of (and TRUSTING) Unstructured Data
Dan Roth, CCICADA Research Director- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11:40am – 12:15pm INVITED TALK: Modeling, Validating and Optimizing Crowd Dynamics
Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University
12:15pm – 1:15pm LUNCH and Poster Setup ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium and ****CoRE 401
1:15pm – 3:15pm Location: *CoRE 1st Floor Auditorium or *****CoRE 431 (tbd)
1:15pm – 2:15pm PANEL No. 3 – CCICADA’s Accomplishments: EDUCATION
DESCRIPTION: Discussion of CCICADA’s multiple education programs and how these continue to promote an important DHS, Office of University Programs’ goal of preparing homeland security researchers of the future and training the Homeland Security Enterprise community
Moderator: Midge Cozzens, Director of Education and Outreach, CCICADA
Donna Beers, Professor of Mathematics, Simmons College of Arts and Sciences
Vijay Chaudhary, Undergraduate Student and REU Participant, Howard University
Richard Garrett, US DHS Fellow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Christie I. Nelson, Post-doctoral Associate, CCICADA-Rutgers
2:15pm – 2:55pm CONTRIBUTED TALKS: A SELECTION OF CCICADA RESEARCH II SMART PHONES, SMART HUBS (15 minutes each w/10 minutes total for Q&A)
Lila Ghemri, Texas Southern University
Teaching Mobile Environment Security using Modules
Zhigang Zhu, The City College of New York
Towards a Smart Transportation Hub Requiring Minimal New Infrastructure for Services to Persons with Special Needs
Shuxin Yao, Carnegie Mellon University
Mining Event Information from Social Media for Emergency Response Management
3:15pm – 3:35 pm BREAK and Poster Setup ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
3:55pm – 4:10pm INVITED TALK: On the Impact of Information in Infrastructure Restoration
Thomas Sharkey, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
4:10pm – 4:50pm CONTRIBUTED TALKS: VISUAL ANALYTICS (15 minutes each w/15 minutes total for Q&A)
Trefor Williams, Rutgers University
Visualizing Railroad Grade Crossing Accident Factors using WEAVE
Ahlam Tannouri & Sam Tannouri, Morgan State University
Biometrics Identification Images: PCA and ICA Techniques for Feature Extraction
4:50pm – 5:50pm POSTER SESSION ***CoRE 4th Floor Atrium
2012 Hurricane Sandy Scenario to Illustrate Use of Social Media for Situational Awareness and Emergency Response Management by US Coast Guard
William M. Pottenger, CCICADA Director of Technology Transfer
Analysis of Locally Transmitted Malaria Incidence and Climate Conditions in the US, 1970-2004
Bashan Prah, Morgan State University
Adaptive Affection Recognition via Sparse Reconstruction
Chenyang Zhang, The City College of New York
Statistical Structural Analysis of Climate Model Output
Chintan Dalal, Rutgers University
A Case Study on Data Cleaning and Data Quality: The US Coast Guard’s Search and Rescue Data
Christie Nelson, Rutgers University
Numerical Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer with the First Kind Boundary and Initial Conditions in Hollow Capillary Porous Cylinder Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
Fan Wu, Tuskegee University
Verification of Crowd Behavior Simulation by Video Analysis
Hao Tang, City University of New York (BMCC)
Elastic Pathing 2.0: Your Speed is Enough to Track You Revisited
Xianyi Gao, Rutgers University
Free-form Gesture Authentication in the Wild
Yulong Yang, WINLAB, Rutgers University
Experimental Designs for Walk-Through Metal Detectors
Vijay Chaudhary, Howard University
Classification and Visualization of Crime-Related Tweets
Jiawei Zhang, VACCINE-Purdue University
5:50pm to 6:10pm BREAK ***CoRe 401
6:10pm Transportation to Embassy Suites for Dinner and Program
Shuttle for hotel guests, all others: on your own
7:15pm – 8:30pm DINNER (Embassy Suites)
DISCUSSION TOPIC: Setting the Homeland Security Research Agenda
James Wojtowicz, CCICADA-Rutgers University
8:30pm End of DAY 2
Saturday, April 30, 2016 – DAY 3
Location Alert: All activities will be located at the Embassy Suites
Breakfast at Embassy Suites (applies to hotel guests only)
9:00am – 9:10am OPENING REMARKS
Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA
9:10am – 10:10am PANEL No. 4 – CCICADA’s Accomplishments: THEORETICAL RESEARCH
DESCRIPTION: CCICADA researchers will showcase the theoretical achievements underlying those research efforts.
Moderator: Paul B. Kantor, CCICADA Director of Research-University of Wisconsin & Rutgers
Eduard Hovy, CCICADA Director of Research-Carnegie Mellon University
Nina Fefferman, Rutgers University
Heng Ji, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
10:10am – 10:55am INVITED TALK : Qualantative Analysis: An Emerging Approach to Reasoning with Soft Data
Paul Kantor, CCICADA Research Director- University of Wisconsin and Rutgers
10:55am – 11:15am BREAK
11:15am – 12:15 pm CONTRIBUTED TALKS: A SELECTION OF CCICADA RESEARCH III (15 minutes each w/15 minutes total for Q&A)
Abena Adusei, Morgan State University
The Economic Impact of Malaria on Sub-Saharan African Countries
N. Orkun Baycik, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Interdicting Layered Networks: Applications and an Effective Reformulation Technique
Darby E. Grande Hering, Rutgers University
Options for Cyber Risk Management Information Sharing
12:15 pm Closing Remarks – LUNCH (to go)
**A special thank you to Nicole Clark and Bidisha Nag, Rutgers University who were extremely helpful in coordinating the local arrangements and to Linda Casals also from Rutgers who managed the Retreat webpage making sure that it was complete, current and accurate as the event approached. Nicole, Bidisha and Linda . . . CCICADA Excellent!
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