A Conversation on Venue Security After Paris – March 16, 2016

Workshop – “A Conversation on Venue Security After Paris”

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 10 am to 3 pm*

Notice: CHANGE IN ROOM LOCATION**  and end time changed to 3pm

Venue: MetLife Stadium*  Parking and Room Location** – See Information Below

This meeting is by invitation only.

Workshop Program

Organizing Committee

Danny DeLorenzi, Director of Security Services at MetLife Stadium

Dennis Egan, CCICADA/Rutgers, dennis.egan at rutgers.edu

Mitch Erickson, DHS

Paul Kantor, CCICADA/Rutgers, paul.kantor at rutgers.edu

Fred S. Roberts, Chair, CCICADA/Rutgers, froberts at ccicada.org


We are inviting a small group of venue security experts and aim to exchange ideas on “large venue security in light of the events in Paris.” We are considering such topics as the following and would very much appreciate suggestions for other topics.

  • New technologies: what is coming down the line? what do we need? what can we afford?
  • WTMDs: How to use them best? and how do they *really* work in stadium situations?
  •  Can the behavioral sciences help? How? or Why Not?
  •  How can new ideas in randomization help? Unbiased and unpredictable.
  •  The Long View: How can we aim towards the challenges and opportunities of stadium security 10 years from now?

Call for Participation

This meeting is by invitation only

A special thank you to Danny DeLorenzi, Director of Security Services at MetLife Stadium, for hosting the event.

For more information: contact Jim Wojtowicz, Managing Director, CCICADA: wojtowic@dimacs.rutgers.edu.


10:00am to 10:20am INTRODUCTION

Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA

Danny Delorenzi, Director of Security – MetLife Stadium


10:20am to 11:00am PANEL 1:   New and evolving technologies: what is coming down the line? what do we need? what can we afford?

MODERATOR: Dennis Egan, Assistant Director, CCICADA

RESPONDENTS: Rick Fenton, Ilitch Holdings Inc. – Mike Young, Secret Service & TSA (retired)

Possible Areas of Discussion:

Development of Intelligence Gathering Capabilities, social media monitoring including the use of GeoFeedia and similar software

Handheld portable X-Ray Units

Integration of CCTV Systems with intrusion detection systems

Millimeter Wave Detection (and its high cost)

11:00am to 11:40pm PANEL 2:   WTMDs: How to use them best? and how do they *really* work in stadium situations?

MODERATOR: Christie Nelson, Post-doctoral Associate, CCICADA

RESPONDENTS: Jerry Crabb, Cleveland Indians – Jim Crann, Prudential Center

Possible Areas of Discussion:

Effect of security and sensitivity settings

Effect of weather and environmental conditions

Effect of location of contraband

Effect of speed of walking through and of different gaits

New kinds of contraband to detect, e.g., guns with little metal

Detecting bomb making materials (what can be detected and what complementary screening do we need for what cannot be detected)

Layered detection: second screening for things first screen cannot pick up, e.g. WTMDs followed by swabs for explosives or by K-9 units

Do we need new standards specifically for stadiums?

11:40am to 11:50am BREAK
11:50am to 12:30pm PANEL 3: How can new ideas in randomization help? Unbiased and unpredictable.

MODERATOR: Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA

RESPONDENTS: Danny Delorenzi, Metlife Stadium – Robert Kasdon, NY Mets

Possible Areas of Discussion:

Randomizing settings on WTMDs

Changing WTMD settings at random times

Choosing random patrons for secondary screening

Randomly changing the type of secondary screening

Effect of randomization on queue lane choices

Randomizing canine patrols

“Profiling” issues

12:30pm to 1:10pm LUNCH

The Long View: How can we aim towards the challenges and opportunities of stadium security 10 years from now?

Mitchell D. Erickson, Ph.D., Science Advisor

Research and Development Partnerships, Interagency Office

Science and Technology Directorate , US Department of Homeland Security

1:10pm to 1:50pm PANEL 4:   Can the behavioral sciences help? How? or Why Not?

MODERATOR: Paul Kantor, Director of Research, CCICADA

RESPONDENTS: Mike Rodriguez, USTA – James Wojtowicz, CCICADA

Possible Areas of Discussion:

First Observer

Micro expressions

Deception Detection

Technologies to detect Behavioral Anomalies

1:50pm to 2:00pm BREAK
2:00pm to 2:40pm PANEL 5: Staffing (broadly defined) and Training

MODERATOR: Ryan Whytlaw, Research Associate & Jonathan Bullinger, PhD Candidate, CCICADA

RESPONDENTS: Michael Tobia, US DHS – Andrew Smith, NJ OHSP

Possible Areas of Discussion:

Mandated minimum staffing of police officers and other personnel

Training programs from DHS (Bomb Threat Management Program, VBIED Search Program, Bomb Making Materials Program, Protective Surveillance and Detection, Suspicious Packages/Mail Handling)

VaporWake Detection Canines versus Specific Package presentation

Performance of different dog breeds in a mass gathering environment; effect of wind and environmental air conditions

WTMDs: improving post-alarm screening practices

2:40pm to 3:00pm CLOSING & NEXT STEPS

Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA

Danny Delorenzi, Director of Security – MetLife Stadium

Possible Areas of Discussion:


Ideas for research

Proposed White Paper


Please see map below. Meeting attendees are asked to park in Lot F or Lot G and enter the MetLife Gate. NOTICE-CHANGE IN ROOM LOCATION**:  The workshop has been moved to the West VIP Room. Attendees will still park and enter in the same location as listed.  The West VIP Lobby is on the ground level; the door to the West VIP Room is under the escalator.

MLS Parking Map

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