Research Working Group on Maritime Cyber Security

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**Invitation Only Event**


February 29, 2016 – Port of Long Beach Maritime Operations Center (Larger Pre-meeting to set the stage for research on maritime cybersecurity)

March 1-2, 2016 – University of Southern California – USC CREATE/USC DECIDE: Los Angeles Main Campus (Working meeting on maritime cybersecurity for a smaller group)

Workshop Program


While cybersecurity is a widely discussed topic in homeland security, the special challenges for cyber in the maritime transportation system are not as well known or appreciated. This working group meeting follows on the first symposium on the topic held at the CCICADA Center at Rutgers University in March 2015, where Vice Admiral Michel of the US Coast Guard rolled out the first public version of the US Coast Guard’s Cyber Strategy and challenged the research community to address six research challenges.

Those six challenges were discussed at a follow-up conference held at Cal State Maritime in June 2015. As a result of that conference, a detailed report outlining priority research approaches for each of the challenges was prepared and briefed to the US Coast Guard’s Deputy Commandant for Operations.

Subsequently, the Cal Maritime meeting report led to three more specific research questions:

#1: “Develop Information Sharing Protocols to meet the needs of industry and government.

#2: “Promote use of sound cyber risk management principles.”

#3: “Identify threats and vulnerabilities, and then employ modeling and simulation to understand cyber impacts in the MTS.”

Three research groups are developing white papers addressing these questions and these white papers are being made available to all participants in advance of the February-March event. The first day will be a larger meeting, at which the working group will set the stage for research on maritime cybersecurity and present and discuss the white papers.

At the March 1-2 event, a smaller group of invited participants will work in small groups and prepare recommendations based on these white papers and more detailed research agendas.


Special hotel rates will be arranged at the Doubletree Hotel in Torrance/South Bay for the night of February 28th. Please check back shortly for further details.

The Radisson Hotel at USC will be used for the nights of February 29 and March 1. At the present time, The Radisson can only hold the room block and reduced USC room rate until January 6, 2016. Therefore, invitees are respectfully asked to notify CREATE Event Coordinator Stephen Gee directly ( with copy to James Wojtowicz, CCICADA Managing Director ( with travel/lodging intentions (by COB on January 4, 2016).

Information on Accommodations and Directions


On your own. No formal transportation will be provided between/among meeting/lodging locations.

Suggested options:
Personal vehicle, Rental car, Taxi, Uber

Ride sharing is strongly encouraged

Event Organizers

Fred Roberts, Director of CCICADA Center at Rutgers and Event Research Chair (
Detlof von Winterfeldt, Director of CREATE Center at USC (

For further information, email James Wojtowicz, CCICADA Managing Director (


February 29, 2016 – Larger Pre-meeting to set the stage for research on maritime cybersecurity

Location: Port of Long Beach Maritime Operations Center* 
*Please show up 15 minutes early to get through security.

8:30 –  9:00   Arrival at Port of Long Beach Maritime Operations Center

9:00 –  9:05   Opening Remarks: Randy Parsons, Director of Security Services, Port of Long Beach

9:05 –  9:15    Welcome: RDML Paul F. Thomas, USCG

9:15 –  9:45    Cyber Risk Management: The Coast Guard’s Perspective: RDML Paul F. Thomas, USCG

9:45 – 9:55     Review of Meeting: Dr. Fred Roberts, CCICADA Center, Rutgers University, Research Director for the Maritime Cyber Security University Initiative and Meeting Facilitator

9:55 – 10:25    Set the stage for discussion Cyber Issues in the MTS: Lillian Ablon, RAND Corporation

10:25 – 10:45  BREAK

10:45 – 11:15   Discussion of Research Question No. 1: Rutgers Lead – Dr. Fred Roberts

11:15 – 11:45   Discussion of Research Question No. 3: Dr. Milind Tambe, CREATE Center, USC (Game Theory) and Dr. Adam Rose, CREATE Center, USC (E-CAT)

11:45 – 12:45   Lunch with Speaker: Homegrown Violent Extremism: How the Internet is Exploited – Dr. Erroll Southers, Director of Homegrown Violent Extremism Studies at the University of Southern (USC) California Safe Communities Institute and Associate Director for Educational Programs at CREATE Center at USC

12:45 – 1:15   CCSET Program Overview:  The Power of Partnerships in Addressing Cyber Security: Dr. Winnie Callahan,Director, University of San Diego Center for Cyber Security Engineering and Technology

1:15 –  1:45     Review of Question No. 2: American Military University: Dr. Eduardo Martinez, AMU, and LT Eric Casida, USCG Air Station Barbers Point

1:45 –  2:15     FBI Cyber Outreach: Michael Sohn, FBI Los Angeles Cyber Outreach

2:15 –  2:45    Review of How the Port of San Diego is addressing Maritime Cyber/Cyber Research Consortium: Thomas Gresham, Technology Security Supervisor, Business Information and Technology, Port of San Diego

2:45 –  3:10    BREAK

3:10 –  3:40   Cyber Threat Landscape from the NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau Point of View: Morgan J. Smith, Terrorism Threat Analysis Group, Counterterrorism Bureau, New York Police Department

3:40 –  4:00   Closing session: Dr. Roberts – brief on the Creation of a Maritime Cyber Book and discussion of Way Forward, Concerns

DAY 1 – March 1, 2016 – Working Meeting on Maritime Cyber Security for a smaller group

Location:  USC CREATE: Los Angeles Main Campus

Host: Dr. Detlof VonWinterfeldt, CREATE

9:00 –  9:05     Start working meeting

9:05 –  9:15      Welcome: Dr. VonWinterfeldt

9:15 –  9:25      Review of Agenda: Dr. Fred Roberts – Research Director for Maritime Cyber Security University Initiative/Meeting Facilitator

9:25 –  9:55      Setting the Stage: Kate Belmont, BlankRome

9:55 – 10:25     Supporting Maritime Security through Secure Design Principles: Jamie Van Randwyk, LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Lab

10:25 – 10:45   BREAK

10:45 – 12:00   Break up into Parallel Working Groups – two on each research question
What is the status of the research?
Where are the gaps in the research — are there contributions to the body of knowledge?
Are there areas of research that need further exploitation?

12:00 – 1:00    LUNCH

1:00 –  1:30     The San Diego Maritime Cyber Consortium: Dr. Jack McCready, Coleman University

1:30 –  3:00    Parallel Working Groups Reconvene

3:00 –  4:00    Plenary Session with Working Groups Reporting Out and Discussion

4:00 –  4:15    Recap: – Summary of DAY 1 and Plans for DAY 2 – Dr. Roberts

4:15 –  6:30    End DAY 1

6:30PM – ?     SOCIAL: Details to be provided at event. (Carpool encouraged)

DAY 2 – March 2, 2016

Location:  USC CREATE: Los Angeles Main Campus

8:30 –   8:45    Agenda for DAY 2: Dr. Roberts

8:45 – 10:00    Parallel Working Groups Reconvene, Prepare Final Reports

10:00 – 10:20  BREAK

10:20 – 11:20   Plenary – Working Groups Report Out

11:20 –  11:45   Dr. Roberts – Facilitated Discussion, Way Forward, Concerns

11:45 – 12:15    Closing Comments: CDR Brian McSorelyValue to USCG and Way Forward

12:15 PM          COMPLETE Meeting

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