Balancing Counter-Terrorism Strategies with Economic Activity in Cities

Urban Commerce and Security Study Presents Strategic Planning Tools to Strike That Balance

The rebuilding of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, following its collapse in the 9/11 terror attack, raised a fundamental issue: Is it possible to protect against future such threats without stifling business activity in Lower Manhattan and, more generally, other urban areas?

Urban Commerce and Security Study (UCASS) presents groundbreaking research into this complex problem. The report was delivered to its sponsor, the Department of Homeland Security Office of University Programs (OUP), by three OUP University Centers of Excellence, including CCICADA, in June 2013. This report presents strategic planning tools for meeting security needs while maintaining economic activity.

The researcher team considered various WTC terror-threat scenarios, from checkpoint suicide bombers to subway chemical releases. They researched the potential impact of alternative planned defenses or emergency responses to these and other threats on area businesses. The report presents findings and valuable research designs and technologies that can be used by other urban communities in protecting against and responding to potential attacks. Download pdf of report

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