CCICADA Homeland Security News, June 2015

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Editors’ Note:

We are pleased to announce the roll out of CCICADA’s new website and to send you the first edition of CCICADA’s redesigned newsletter.

The product of much hard work, the new website and redesigned newsletter are intended to keep you more fully informed about our progress in making the US homeland more secure.

The Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA) is one of several University Centers of Excellence within the US Department of Homeland Security.

The researchers at our 17 partner institutions use advanced data analysis, mathematical modeling and other sophisticated tools to help homeland-security agencies and private organizations do a more effective job of protecting American citizens from natural and terrorist threats. We also have a strong education program, which is focused on training the next generation of homeland security experts.

We count among our partners the US Coast Guard, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and the NJ Department of Homeland Security, sports stadium owners and operators, the Port Authority of NY/NJ and many others.


Protecting Sports-Stadium Fans

Preventing Child Sex Trafficking

Maritime Cyber Security Strategy

US Coast Guard Resource Allocation

Training Homeland Security Researchers

CCICADA Cyber Education Report

Former CCICADA Fellow Battles Ebola Epidemic

The website contains much new content, including news-style stories about CCICADA’s homeland security projects. You will also find research reports that CCICADA has delivered to its partners.

Our redesigned newsletter contains current examples of the practical, real-world application of CCICADA’s research and education programs. These include CCICADA’s successful efforts to: enhance security at sports stadiums, help the US Coast Guard better protect the nation’s maritime domain, prevent the human trafficking of children, and expand cyber security education.

The extensive research on the prevention of child sex trafficking is taking place at Carnegie Mellon University, one of the Center’s 17 research partners. Research on how best to allocate boats between Coast Guard stations is taking place at Rutgers University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The stadium-security project is centered at Rutgers.

If you are with one of CCICADA’s 17 partner institutions, we encourage you to contribute a story about your work to a future issue.

Please contact Managing Director Jim Wojtowicz if you wish to make a submission.

Please continue to read our newsletter, which contains links to the full articles on our new website.

Please share this newsletter with your colleagues or business associates if you think they might be interested.



Margaret (Midge) Cozzens, PhD, CCICADA Education and Communications Director
James Wojtowicz, CCICADA Managing Director


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