Post-Doctoral Associates

The Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA) at Rutgers University invites applications for postdoctoral associates for positions starting on or after January 1, 2015. CCICADA is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security University Center of Excellence in research and education. We conduct research in topics such as advanced data analysis, optimization, machine learning and risk management related to natural hazards, infrastructure protection, and public safety.

Examples of CCICADA projects include risk assessment of regional flooding; optimal allocation of US Coast Guard boat resources; studies of alerts and warnings using social media; security planning and assessment for sports venues; and algorithms for container inspection in ports. CCICADA has completed more than 250 research studies since its founding, and we encourage our post-docs to be involved in a variety of our projects.

The appointment entails work with internationally recognized faculty in data science and with post-docs and graduate students at the Rutgers Piscataway campus.

Eligibility: Applicants should be recent PhDs with interest in fields such as operations research, industrial engineering, computer science, discrete mathematics, statistics or related areas. Position is project-oriented with focus on methods such as mathematical/computer modeling, combinatorial optimization, advanced data analysis, and discrete event simulation. Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and promise, with preference for US citizens. The position is for one year, with renewal contingent on funding and performance. Rutgers values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity in employment.


Please submit the following:

  • a cover letter stating your qualifications for the position
  • a CV
  • a sample of published or unpublished work
  • three letters of recommendation

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Please complete the application form below.

    Please apply by filling in the following blanks. Note that your application is complete when we have received...

    -- This application form
    -- A cover letter stating your qualifications for the position, an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae, a sample of published or unpublished work, and three letters of recommendation, all of which can be submitted as attachments to this form.

    Personal Information




    Street Address:

    Address 2:



    Postal Code:
    Country (if not USA):

    Office Phone:

    Home Phone:

    Cell Phone:

    Email address:

    US Citizen? YesNo
    Dual Citizen? Yes
    If yes, of what country?
    Gender: MaleFemale

    Doctoral Program Information

    PhD Granting Institution:

    Area of Study:

    Year of PhD Degree:

    Research Information

    Areas of Research Interest: (12 words MAX.):


    Please request three letters of recommendation and submit them as attachments to this email. Please enter the contact information for each recommender below.

    Recommender 1:
    Recommender 1 Email:
    Recommender 1 Phone:

    Recommender 2:
    Recommender 2 Email:
    Recommender 2 Phone:

    Recommender 3:
    Recommender 3 Email:
    Recommender 3 Phone:

    Additional Materials

    In addition to this form, we request the following additional material to complete your application.

    A cover letter stating your qualifications for the position:
    An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae:
    A sample of published or unpublished work:
    Three letters of recommendation.
    Letter of recommendation 1:
    Letter of recommendation 2:
    Letter of recommendation 3:

    Use the browse button to locate each document and attach them one at a time. Acceptable formats are Word (.DOC) and PDF (.PDF).

    Additional Comments


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