CCICADA/DIMACS Brainstorming Workshop on Cybersecurity Education, October 7, 2013

This event has ended and is now closed for registration.

In today’s world, almost anyone who uses information technology at work, at home, or at school can benefit from at least basic education in cyber threats and cyber security methods, tools, and principles. Additionally, much of the workforce needs more sophisticated education to prepare them to deal with cyber threats and defensive tools that are changing rapidly. Government agencies, private companies, and educational institutions are all addressing these educational needs, or beginning to.

Of particular interest to the US Department of Homeland Security is training of the homeland security workforce: US DHS has 200,000 employees and the homeland security enterprise (HSE) broadly speaking has millions. Whatever is developed for the HSE will also be very valuable for workers in the private sector, and ultimately for the general public. A DHS-funded project at CCICADA aims to: identify important cyber security educational efforts; categorize or classify them; lay out recommendations for a cyber-security education initiative for US DHS; and define an educational research program that would strengthen the nation’s cyber security initiative.

As part of the initial work in developing the recommendations, CCICADA and DIMACS are hosting a “brainstorming workshop” on Cyber Security Education on October 7, 2013 at Rutgers University. In addition to traditional educational formats, this workshop will explore “outside the box” approaches such as approaches based on analogies to medical student education, use of smart devices, and online learning, as well as analogies to teaching good health behavior, energy-efficient behavior, etc. The recommendations DHS seeks must be based on sound educational theories/principles, indicating that a major part of the discussion will be on how to best construct an educational framework for all cyber security education and how to assess its effectiveness. This preliminary “brainstorming” workshop will bring together university, industry, and government researchers and education experts to explore the important educational principles to design different kinds of programs, such as courses, short courses, webinars, refreshers, and units, as well as discussing and exploring relevant existing efforts.


  • Program
    Monday, October 7, 2013
     9:30 - 10:00  Registration (Coffee provided)
    10:00 - 10:20  Welcome/Opening Remarks
                   Scott Tousley, US DHS - Cyber Security Division 
                   Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA, Rutgers University 
    10:20 - 11:00  Panel No. 1: Government/University 
                   Facilitator:  Rebecca Wright,  Director of DIMACS, Rutgers University 
                   Theme: What is happening now at Government Agencies and 
                          Universities and what might be needed.
                   Susanne Wetzel, Stevens Institute of Technology
                   Michael Vance, NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness
                   Ronald C. Dodge, Jr., United States Military Academy (virtual)
                   Patricia Tamburelli, County College of Morris
                   Melissa Dark, Purdue University (virtual)
    11:00 - 11:40  Panel No. 2: Private Sector
                   Facilitator:  Dennis Egan, CCICADA Research Faculty, Rutgers University
                   Theme: What is happening now in the private sector and what might be needed.
                   Raj Rajagopalan, Honeywell (virtual)
                   Mark House, Associated Press
                   Nicole Dean, Raytheon
                   Scott Buck, INTEL (virtual)
    11:40 - 11:55  Break 
    11:55 - 12:35  Panel No. 3: Education Principles of Teaching and
                   Learning for Cyber Security Education 
                   Facilitator:  Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA, Rutgers University
                   Theme: What general principles of teaching and learning, 
                          based on educational theory, will aid us in evaluating
                          and choosing new cyber security educational programs.
                   Midge Cozzens, Rutgers University
                   Owen Astrachan, Duke University
                   Robert M. Panoff, Shodor Education Foundation (virtual)
                   Gene Fiorini, Rutgers University
    12:35 -  1:35  Lunch
     1:35 -  2:15  Panel No. 4: Learning from Analogies
                   Facilitator: Fred S. Roberts, Director of CCICADA, Rutgers University
                   Theme: What can we learn from medical school education,
                   public health education for the public,
                   energy-efficient behavior education, education of the military, etc.
                   Michael Gochfeld, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical
                      School Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
                   Lora Billings, Montclair State University (virtual)
                   Nina Fefferman, Rutgers University
                   Dennis Egan, Rutgers University
                   Deborah Silver, Rutgers University
      2:15 -  2:55  Panel No. 5: K-12,and Informal Public Cyber Security Education
                    Facilitator: Midge Cozzens, CCICADA Director of Education, Rutgers University
                    Theme: What is happening in K-12 and public education, 
                          including adult education and public informal education.
                    Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Educational Technology Policy,
    		   Research and Outreach; National CyberWatch Center & University of Maryland
                    Katie Shilton, University of Maryland (virtual)
                    Scott Stornetta, Columbia High School, Maplewood, NJ
                    Nasir Memon, Polytechnic Institute of NYU (virtual)
                    Rebecca Jordan, Rutgers University
      2:55 -  3:05  Break
      3:05 -  3:45  Panel No. 6: Tools of Delivery for Effective Cyber Security Education
                    Facilitator: Susanne Wetzel, Stevens Institute of Technology
                    Theme: Discuss modes of presentation (online, videos, use of apps), 
                           frequency (monthly updates, retraining), use of technology (games, 
                           virtual reality), and tie these in to teaching and learning.
                    Kaethe Beck, Purdue University - VACCINE (virtual)	
                    Costis Toregas, George Washington University
                    Curtis McGinity, Rutgers University (virtual)
      3:45 -  4:00  Closing - Next Steps

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